I'm approaching 30 years of age now and I'm finding it harder and harder to enjoy playing video games. Don't get me wrong, I still play games fairly regularly, but it's just not the same as it used to be. Most of the time it feels like the magic is just gone. Between life, work, and other responsibilities it's nearly impossible for me to pull my brain away to float in the simulated realities I used to hold so dear.

And that's not always a bad thing. The amount of time I put into gaming when I was younger was probably too much, and I live a much more balanced life than I used to. But that being said, I still want to be able to turn on my console or PC and just melt into the screen from time to time. I want to be able to enjoy playing games again.

So in an effort to get back into video games, I've been trying a few different things with quite a bit of success. Here are 5 tips for getting back into video games after losing interest.

1. Play an old game you used to love

This is perhaps the easiest, and most enjoyable way to get back into gaming. Nostalgia is a powerful tool at your disposal, and you'll be surprised how easy it is to feel the same way you did in the past simply by trying to relive it.

For me, that old game was Skyrim. The game is almost 10-years old now, but it was just as enjoyable as I remember in 2021. And it has been long enough at this point that many of the storylines and landscapes are only vaguely familiar — like an old friend I used to know.

If you're looking to do the same, I'd suggest finding that sweet spot in your past when a game you played really meant something you. It can be something as simple as Tetris, all that matters is that you have emotion attached to it.

2. Play a game like one you enjoy already

One of the worst parts of starting a new game is not knowing whether or not you're going to like it. Sure, you can look at reviews to try to make your decision, but if it isn't fun for you right off the bat, it's hard to get invested.

The easiest way around this is to search for similar games to ones you already like. Don't just look at the genres as a whole and pick the top-rated title, look at all of the elements of a game you like and try to find something similar.

I've had some success with this myself by expanding to games like Skyrim and games like Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It's so much easier to fall headfirst into a game if you already know you're going to enjoy it before you even start playing.

3. Try playing a game with friends

Us humans are desperately social creatures whether we want to be or not. Many games, RPG titles especially, can offer a simulation of social interaction, but they can never really replace it. One of the easiest ways to get back into gaming is to do it with friends.

But that doesn't have to just mean playing multiplayer games or fighting strangers online. It could be something as simple as doing something like a book club, but for games. Get a group of people together, start playing a game, and discuss it later on over messages, video, or in person.

Alternatively, if you don't have anyone in your life to play games with there are plenty of online communities who would gladly welcome you. Just pick a forum, create an account, and start interacting about whatever you're playing. While there are always bad apples in the mix that try to ruin the experience, there are wonderful pockets of the gaming community that will only make you enjoy it more.

4. Set aside time to play, but don't give yourself a time limit

Finding time in your busy schedule to play games is important, but you also need to make sure it doesn't feel like a chore. Don't forget, playing games is fun. It shouldn't feel like you're doing something wrong or wasting time — which is why it's important not to put a time limit on it.

I'm not saying you should play for hours on end every day without a care in the world, but just try to schedule a time when you won't feel rushed. For me, if I know I have to do something later in the day, it's impossible for me to pull myself out of reality and enjoy the time I spend gaming.

Playing games isn't work, it's freedom, and you should make sure you treat it that way.

5. Add more video game soundtracks to your life

This is one of the more indirect tips on my list, but it has been surprisingly effective for me. One of my favorite things about titles I've played is the epic video game soundtracks that accompany them. So naturally, I've started incorporating them into my daily routine.

Maybe its the nostalgia of hearing the soundtracks that powered my youth or the sheer epic nature of these video game scores, but listening to them always gets me back into a gaming mood. And a surprising, yet not unwelcome side effect of this is that it's actually easier for me to focus in general when I play these soundtracks.